KC Holy Family House fun

I work as the Youth Minister at St. James Church. This was our Youth Group's first service outting to Ronald McDonald House of Charities for Halloween.
Amado (cowboy?), Heather (Little Red Ridding Hood), Johnathon (Big Bad Wolf...as Granny) and Me (Butterfly). Thanks to the 3 last minute chaperones we were able to take the youth!
Our communitiy is driving 15 hours down to Georgia this weekend for the SOA (School of the America's protest) check it out at www.soaw.org A Lasallian Brother James Miller was killed by graduates of the SOA in the 1980's so even our own community has been affected by this military training site.
Not to make my first blog so "political" but our community is heading to the northeast a day before midyear to go to D.C. for a demonstration to shut down Guantanamo (Jan 11 marks the 5 year anniversary of the first prisoners being brought to Guantanamo) so if anyone can join us just a day earlier we'd love to have you!
Our community went to the INTERnational Catholic Worker gathering held in Iowa a few weeks ago. There were over 300 Catholic Workers from 61 communities throughout the world represented. On we way their we took an adventurous detour to the bridges of madison county, which hopefully explains some of our silly pictures!
Happy early thanksgiving! Please keep us in your prayers this weekend as we travel!
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