I just thought I would share this pic.
We don't understand it either...
So tomorrow (Thursday) we have a half day consisting of an all Catholic Schools mass in the morning and then the entire staff is coming over for lunch. JP and I made a massive cheese plate... and a smaller meat plate... great story.
I hope this finds you all well, thank you all for the love and support last week, it really touched my heart!
Have an amazing day!
God Bless!
At 11:15 AM,
Kendall said…
the palm springs of washington?! wow, thats just about as lame as the "show-me state"!
At 11:42 AM,
Kelly said…
Ok so Palm Springs is a resort town an hour and a half outside of the LA/Orange County area. In the past few years is has become a desert oasis for the rich and famous who are so desparately trying to escape their terrible lives in So. Cal.
After driving what seems to be an eternity from the last known signs of civilization, you come upon an actual city called Palm Springs. I believe the orginal purpose for the foundation of Palm Springs was a result of the finding of desert hot springs at that location. Later Palm Springs became a herding ground for celebraties and movie studios who were filming in the surrounding desert terrain.
So how is Yakima related to all that? It could be that it is one of the last signs of civilization before you enter the sparsely populated area of the Northwest.
Also, Justine just informed me of a Palm Springs in Florida. I've never been there and I don't know anything about it. So I hope you enjoyed your geography lesson for the day! If you ever want to learn more random useless information, just ask!
At 7:35 PM,
Annie said…
yes Kendall... but really... what does the Show-me state mean???
and Kelly... thank you for the geography lesson...
what the heck is it doing in YAKIMA???
At 10:43 PM,
Jorge said…
don't mess with my state!!!! I'll show you what "Show-me State" means!!!!!!!!.....
At 3:57 PM,
Jolleen said…
Oh good God!
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